Articles on: EasyGTM

How to generate and get GA4 Secret?

To enable our app to add server events to your data stream (via the Measurement Protocol API), you need to create a new Measurement Protocol API Secret for your data stream.

Step 1: Go to your Google Analytics Admin > Data Streams and open the corresponding data streams.

Step 2: Scroll to the "Events" TAB, click on the** "Measurement Protocol API secrets" TAB, and click on "Create"** (you need to confirm the terms of user data collection acknowledge before doing so).

Step 3: You need to name the new API secret and click "Create".

Step 4: Copy the** Secret value as shown below and paste it into our app.Note: This value is confidential and only be used in our app (do not use this Secret value in multiple apps at the same time).

Updated on: 20/06/2023

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